Our Constitution
To research the history and archaeology of Old Sleaford and the surrounding area, offering opportunities to the local community to experience a wide range of archaeological and historical investigations.
- To add to the existing written and pictorial records of local archaeological and historical sites by producing reports of excavations and other activities of the group, and by lodging copies of such with appropriate bodies.
- To provide training for volunteers in various techniques of archaeological and historical research.
- To enhance the local historical environment through community feedback and the provision of temporary or permanent display boards.
Group status and membership
a) The Old Sleaford Heritage Group is an unincorporated local community group
b) A person shall be admitted to individual membership when an application has been submitted to and accepted by the Committee. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in the archaeology and history of Old Sleaford and the surrounding area on payment of the annual subscription fee.
c) The annual subscription shall be agreed at the AGM. Subscriptions will be due on the 6th April each year. Any member who is more than 12 months in arrears shall be struck off the membership list until the subscription is renewed.
d) Members, having properly paid their subscription for the current year, are entitled to vote at General Meetings.
e) The Committee will ensure that an up-to-date list of members be maintained, for inspection by all paid-up members, and by any other authorised persons.
f) The Committee may terminate an individual’s membership if:
he\she misuses the group’s resources, or
his\her behaviour is disruptive to the general good or the objectives of the group
g) Children are welcome at group events, but must be accompanied and controlled by a responsible adult at all times.
Management and Administration
- The founding steering committee will operate for up to one year from the date of signing of the constitution.
- Members shall be given not less than 21 clear days' notice in writing of the A.G.M. and such notice shall be presumed to have been given duly unless the contrary is shown. At the AGM members will elect or reconfirm at least the following to the management committee: chairman, secretary, and treasurer. The committee may also elect: vice-chairman, publicity officer, membership secretary and archaeological or historical advisor. The committee has the power to co-opt up to two group members to the committee for specific purposes, or to invite any or all group members to their meetings
- All nominations for election to committee posts shall be proposed and seconded, and submitted to the Secretary 1 month prior to the AGM.
- Subject to any resolution of the Group, the chairman, vice-chairman, treasurer and secretary shall not hold office for more than two consecutive years, but shall be eligible immediately thereafter for re-election.
- Subject to any resolution of the Group, all other committee members shall not hold office for more than three consecutive years, but shall be eligible immediately thereafter for re-election.
- The affairs of the group will be managed by the committee. At any meeting of the committee the presence of six members will constitute a quorum. At least three committee meetings will be held every year. The committee shall present a report of its proceedings to the Annual General Meeting of the Group.
- The secretary shall minute the date, location, reports and decisions of each meeting and distribute a copy to all committee members
- The Old Sleaford Heritage Group will operate its own bank account and maintain records of all income and expenditure. A minimum of two nominated signatures is required on all cheques. The accounts will be available for independent audit at any time (by either a qualified accountant or a person of suitable standing and expertise). Expenditure from OSHG funds may only be incurred in accordance with the aims and objectives of the group and must be agreed by the current management committee.
- This constitution may be amended as necessary by a majority vote of paid up members attending a general meeting.
In order to achieve the aims and objectives of the OSHG the management committee may:
- Raise funds and seek and receive financial contributions other than through any permanent trading activities and in line with any relevant laws.
- Employ staff as necessary to achieve the aims and objectives of the group
- Purchase and hire such equipment as may be required
- Work in partnership with charities, voluntary or private bodies, individuals and statutory authorities operating in furtherance of the objectives of the group or of similar purposes and to exchange information and advice with them.
Communication and Publicity
To facilitate the communication of events, activities and reports to members and the wider community the group will operate, maintain and update a website, twitter feed and facebook page. A domain name OldSleaford.org.uk based on the Old Sleaford Heritage Group name will be registered under the ownership of the group.
Equality and Diversity
The Old Sleaford Heritage Group will not discriminate on the basis of gender, age, disability, race, religion, sexuality or social class. The group aims to provide accessible, inclusive events that respect the needs of each individual.
Data Protection
The data collected from members will only be used for the purposes of database administration within the Group and will not be disclosed to any external sources without members’ express written consent
Signed by committee
Dated: 17th January 2014